
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Cinquain Poem

Eat Most
I Love eating them!

This is what I have done for writing. I have drawn fruits, I love eating fruits because it yum.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Food Pyramid

Eat Little:

Eat Moderately:

Eat the most: 

This is what I have done for inquiry. I have learn what to eat little, eat moderately and eat mostly.

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Weird Neighbours

Every night when my family was going to sleep my neighbours house always have their lights on.

My mum thinks their house was haunted, My dad thinks it was just a disco, My brothers thinks it was just a birthday party and my sisters and I thinks it was just a house that always put their lights on. When my family went back to sleep I went with my little flashlight and went and climb their fence and peek out their window and see what have happen.

So when I peek I saw a little girl sleepwalk all the way to the kitchen with her flashlight and open the fridge and got a little piece of cake and she put her flashlight inside the fridge and that’s why my neighbours house always has there light on.

The Missing baby

Missing Baby

One sunny day a family was going away and their baby was missing. The family was sad that their baby was missing. The family looked everywhere but they did not find the baby they thought someone had came and taken the baby.

But the little baby was gone with his dad shopping. When the little baby and the father came back they all saw that the baby went with the dad shopping and then the mother said” Why did you go with the baby and you did not tell me that?” Then the father said”Because all of you were in your room getting your clothes ready so thats why I went with him.”

The mother then said”Okay.” When the family was ready they all went to their room and get their bag of clothes and things they want to go with. When they were ready they all put their clothes in the car and they drove off.   

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Favourite Food

This is me eating my Favourite Food. I love Strawberries because they are sweet and very, very yummy!

My Banana Sketch

This is what I have done for art. I have sketched a banana. I had to shade it after I had drawn the banana because a banana is not white, so I had to shade the whole thing so it won't be white.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This is what I have done for my Inquiry. I have learnt about Healthy,yummy and yucky. I have drawn a picture about the food I like and what is Healthy and my yucky food.  

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The missing baby

Missing Baby
One sunny day a family was going away and their baby was missing. The family was sad that their baby was missing. The family looked everywhere but they did not find the baby they thought someone had came and taken the baby.

But the little baby was gone with his dad shopping. When the little baby and the father came back they all saw that the baby went with the dad shopping and then the mother said” Why did you go with the baby and you did not tell me that?” Then the father said”Because all of you were in your room getting your clothes ready so thats why I went with him.”

The mother then said”Okay.” When the family was ready they all went to their room and get their bag of clothes and things they want to go with. When they were ready they all put their clothes in the car and they drove off.   

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Rosary

This is what I have done for R.E I have done a Rosary.10 beans means the hail Mary and the 1 beans means Our Father and the cross is Glory be.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Smart learner

To be a smart larner you need to follow this.
Smart Learner is to listen to your teacher or whoever is talking to you or your friends and outside the classroom.
Remember to use your virtues and especially wait for the internet to connect too. Remember if you are inside the classroom always remember keep on the right track not on any thing that you are not allow to be on. If there are rules in your classroom remember to obey the rules and be kind to one another.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Church Summative Assessment

Underline all the words that could be used to finish each sentence:
The Church is to worship God..........    
as Creator of all and above all else through the celebration of each of the Sacraments    ✔
only on Sundays through prayer and service    
once a year at Easter    

in the Eucharist The five seasons of the Church’s Liturgical Year are..........    Lent  ✔          Spring            Summer        Advent    ✔
ANZAC Day        Ordinary Time ✔    Winter

Match the season and the meaning and the colour:
preparing for Easter                     Advent        green✔
celebrating God’s love - aroha every day    Christmas         purple✔
celebrating the birth of Jesus             Lent            yellow✔
preparing for Christmas                 Easter        purple✔
celebrating Jesus’ rising from the dead        Ordinary Time    yellow✔

Finish these sentences:
During his life Jesus saved people from their sick.✔
Jesus died so people would be alive and to forgive their sins. ✔  

Write true or false
The Eucharist strengthens people to live as followers of Christ - True ✔   
The Church celebrates the Lord’s day on Fridays - False ✔

On Tuxpaint illustrate a church set up for a liturgical celebration

Monday, October 1, 2012

Term 3 Reflection

Being a successful learner involves you being reflective about the learning process. It is about you identifying your strengths, weaknesses and areas you would like to improve in. Reflection just does not happen at the end of a task, it can be throughout a task. 
I would now like you to take some time to answer these questions:

1. Are you pleased with how this term has gone for you? Yes because I had learn lots of new things.

2. What have you learnt this term? I have learnt about 3D shapes.

3. What have you found easy this term? My Toondoo because I found it very easy.

4. What have you found tricky / difficult this term? I found tricky about my Rio de Janeiro because it was hard.

5. Who / what has helped you with your learning this term? My teacher Miss G,  Miss Mcloughlin, Ana, Sonya, Mrs Laban, my parents and my family.

6. What could you change with your learning for next term? I will Achieve my goals and try my best.

7. What are your next learning steps to make you a successful learner for next term? My learning steps are to try my best and never give up.